Here are so more photos of Ezra and the family. I would put more on here but I know that Nichole wants to put her creative spin on the pictures and give everyone all the details that I leave out. ha ha.

Baby Ezra in his car seat, because we got to come home from the hospital so early Nichole had to take him to the pediatricans office for a quick checkup yesterday. Then she had to take him to another doctors office for his screening.

Elijah is starting to enjoy being a big brother. The other night he wanted to hold him so we sat on the couch, swaying back and forth singing to Ezra. We had fun but Elijah got concerned when Ezra started to cry. I started to pick Ezra up to comfort him for a second, but before I could I had to tell Elijah to let go. ha ha It was so cute, it was like he was protecting him.

Ben is being a great big brother, again. ha ha since he already has experience at doing this. He is really trying to boss Elijah around the last two days, but I think he is just trying to find his place and be as much help as possible. Ben is such a rough and fun kid on the outside but inside he is the most sensitive and caring person you will ever know. I love him so much and he reminds me so much of myself it is scary. I am sure Cole will be on here soon, if she doesnt do an update soon I will, because I am starting to enjoy it. Hey Olivia, I did crop these photos. ha ha You will have to leave a comment and let me know how I did.