Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ezra and the Family

Here are so more photos of Ezra and the family. I would put more on here but I know that Nichole wants to put her creative spin on the pictures and give everyone all the details that I leave out. ha ha.
Baby Ezra in his car seat, because we got to come home from the hospital so early Nichole had to take him to the pediatricans office for a quick checkup yesterday. Then she had to take him to another doctors office for his screening.
Elijah is starting to enjoy being a big brother. The other night he wanted to hold him so we sat on the couch, swaying back and forth singing to Ezra. We had fun but Elijah got concerned when Ezra started to cry. I started to pick Ezra up to comfort him for a second, but before I could I had to tell Elijah to let go. ha ha It was so cute, it was like he was protecting him.
Ben is being a great big brother, again. ha ha since he already has experience at doing this. He is really trying to boss Elijah around the last two days, but I think he is just trying to find his place and be as much help as possible. Ben is such a rough and fun kid on the outside but inside he is the most sensitive and caring person you will ever know. I love him so much and he reminds me so much of myself it is scary. I am sure Cole will be on here soon, if she doesnt do an update soon I will, because I am starting to enjoy it. Hey Olivia, I did crop these photos. ha ha You will have to leave a comment and let me know how I did.

Friday, August 29, 2008

We made it home at about 4:00 pm last night. Everyone is doing great. The baby woke up at 1:30am and 4:30 am to eat, but slept through the night for the most part. OK truth be told I didn't get up with Ezra through the night, Cole did, cause she is the one that feeds him(I love it when she breast feeds, ha ha there is no reason for me to wake up)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nichole and Ezra coming home

Nichole and baby Ezra should be home this afternoon or evening. If you want to stop by call and make sure we are home. Nichole loves visitors so dont be afraid to stop by. Thanks everyone for your prayers. We are so happy to have our new addition to the family. I want to thank my mom for watching Ben and Lij while we was at the hospital. I know those two can be a handful and it turned out to be a long day. I will post again when I get to bring them home and post new pictures on also for those of you who can not come and visit.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More of Ezra

Ezra Kye Yates Harrison

7 lbs. 11.2 ounces
19.5 inches long

Nichole in the hospital

As you can tell she is not starting to have real strong contractions yet! ha ha for those of you who do not know Nichole doesn't like pain, at all. ha ha
We got to the hospital at about 10:10 am this morning. They started her on the oxytocin at about 11:30. I took the pictures right after that.
It is now about 2:00 pm and the contractions are starting to get a little stronger and more frequent.
I will post pictures of the baby as soon as she has it and is moved into her room. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. We love you all so much.
(I had to take a picture of her arm because I didn't want anyone to see her crying from getting the small IV needle put into her hand. ha ha)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wisconsin Hiking Adventure friend Olivia invited me up to Minnesota to take pictures of the fam and my radiant pregnant belly--ha, and I couldn't refuse! We only see each other every five years since I moved away the summer after 9th grade and our friendship has grown so deeply despite the distance! How could I refuse her offer....I don't mind road trips and Kenny was game (he despises road trips!) and you have seen my banner of pics that Olivia took so naturally I jumped at the chance! Now I know that I have some friends and family that live really close to where we were and I truly do apologize that I couldn't squeeze in any other visits...really I am, I hope you all will forgive me and be understanding that time was limited along with the fact that I was trying to be considerate towards my gracious husbands personal sacrifice with the whole trip and the fact that I was there at my friends request. Now that we have this minivan and seeing just how comfortable traveling was I hope to take some more trips up north in the future!
As I planned the trip that we took the weekend of August 1st(almost 4 weeks ago) I found a place called Devil's Lake State Park in Baraboo, WI just south of the Dells and thought that it would be a great hiking stop for us---we have been trying to hike every weekend here in Indiana. Well it turned out to be the best hike thus far not to mention the most rugged also and with me being 36 weeks pregnant it was a bit of a challenge but it felt great to share that experience with Kenny and the boys. It was simply amazing to be up so high that as we looked over the cliffs we were able to look down and watch the vultures flying! Benjamin absolutely had a blast and ventured up rock formations and wanted his picture taken every 3 minutes! Elijah enjoyed his usual travel in the backpack--which Kenny straps another pack onto in order to carry our waters and Ben carries his backpack full of snacks and his own water. Kenny and Ben hope to take longer backpacking trips in the future that would involve full packs and camping and more hiking. Kenny hopes that I will join in on this too once the baby is big enough! We will see...most likely I will...I'm always up for a little adventure!

The CCC trail---Rugged

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ok.....get ready for new blogger!

I'm going to try my hand at you all may have read on the first post that my very best and long time friend, Olivia, has "forced" me into HA HA HA:) This is exactly what I need in order to allow others to keep updated in my life since I am horrible at returning emails (checking my email to begin with) and even phone calls let alone trying to send traditional I can allow you all to "see" the growth in my family thru pics! I am really excited about this new adventure and am grateful to Olivia simply because I need to have my hand held thru anything that involves technology or I would just ignore it since I can ultimately survive without it!
I hope you all enjoy the pics on the banner and the side....Olivia took them of us a few weeks ago....the boys were a bit cranky and I was nervous because I'm usually on the other side of the camera but it turned out so awesome! the pics that I posted are just some random shots of the boys from this summer. I'm still learning how to use my camera that Kenny got me for Christmas--a Canon 10D, so don't expect perfect pics anytime soon. Since learning a few helpful hints that I learned guessed it, Olivia, I have played around taking pics of everything and anything but haven't uploaded them yet! Imagine that...HAHA..I usually wait till I have about 300-500 on there..No Joke! :(

Also...I saw my doctor this week and they want to induce me on Wednesday August 27th, unless I go earlier since I am dilated to 2+ and 70% effaced! Now that I am a "blogger" I will post when he is born!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Welcome to your new blog!

I created this blog for you in hopes that you'll start blogging for yourself. I hope that since we can't see each other in person as much as we'd like, I will still be able to see photos of you and your family as your children grow. I can't wait to see Ezra and hopefully get to meet him in person!

Love ya!

