Today, I decided that I would "capture" some good pics of the boys picking out their pumpkins this year! They simply would not cooperate! Ugh! You know how you have the scenario play out in your mind but your kids don't live in this fantasy world where everything goes smoothly, in fact it is usually the complete opposite with my kids! I am not patient with them either so it just turns out to be a flop most times! Then...in my mind, I am some great photographer too, in reality...not so much! I do like the pic of Ben holding
Lij making his goofy hand gestures even though Elijah is out of focus--because it shows how he tries to imitate whatever Ben does! It's so sweet how much he looks up to him and wants to be like him in every way shape and form. I wish I would've thought the same way towards my sisters when we were younger instead of getting irritated with them--hindsight is always 20/20!
Kenny and Ben went camping tonight so I thought that I would try to go visit my mom but she has too much school work to work on--that is the second time this week that visiting her hasn't worked out! I'm bummed, I miss her, we've really become good friends and it is such a good feeling to feel that way about her! Oh well, I will just have to wait till Monday when she stops by after school to visit! So instead of going to her house I decided we will try to go to Target but when I got there Ezra was screaming so I figured I would sit there in the parking lot and nurse him and calm him down since the last few times we've been in stores he was fussy. I let Elijah roam around in the van and started feeding Ezra only to smell this
horrendous odor moments latter and when I asked
Lij if he pooped in his pull-up(we have been potty training) he popped his head around the seat and shook his head yes proudly with colored-chocolate spit running down his chin from a rogue m&m he found in the back seat! I sighed and realized that shopping wasn't worth the trouble and figured I would be so much more comfy being at home instead of in a cold van half exposed with a fussy baby and a stinky toddler! So many sacrifices come along with parenthood. But now I'm happy
cuz I'm finally blogging while kids are fast asleep with the added treat of
UFC 89...finally a free fight on Spike
tv instead of pay-per-view! Now I only hope that Michael
Bispbing gets knocked out in front of his countrymen, I can't stand him
ever since his fight against Matt
Hammil which was totally
stolen from Matt!