A week ago today, Kenny and Benjamin (oh, and Lucy, our female pit bull) were in car accident! Kenny was taking Ben to soccer practice and decided to take one of the dogs with them and while he was on their way to the soccer field, the coaches daughter called to say that practice was canceled so I immediately called Kenny to tell him the news. They decided to come home a different way than usual and drive past the
fire station that Kenny had wired and as they were going past
GMC Envoy pulled out of the college parking lot....Kenny tried to swerve out of the way but the young girl managed to plow into them and continue to drive the entire length of the van, front fender to rear fender. No one was hurt in either vehicle, thank God, in fact, Ben asked Kenny what they hit!!! Ben was actually sitting on the passenger's side in the middle....so so thankful he didn't get hurt! The other driver's front
bumper was nearly torn off!
So now we are dealing with her insurance company and the body shop to HOPEFULLY repair the damages. The body shop said that it doesn't look too good since the parts aren't cheap and he refuses to do a
crappy job (wow---there
really are people with high standards in the biz!) so now that we have had a full damage inspection, we are just waiting for the insurance company to let us know if they are willing to repair it or total it out! We are hoping they will fix it...I really have to say that I have grown to love driving our mini van, yikes...never thought I would say
that! I has been really reliable and it was extremely hard for me to make the decision to buy it and even after I agreed, I considered backing out on the guy....UGH, I really don't want to be in that kind of position with the added pressure of being desperate searching for a family vehicle since we only have the old ford truck. I'm trying to trust that God will provide us with what is best for us, it's just so hard for me to
discern which direction He is leading me in!

this is the rear passenger side tire rim....can you believe the chunks that she took out!

Kenny taped around the doors since they were gaping open and we wanted to prevent rain from causing further damage!

the van is drivable but neither of the passenger side doors work so we all have to crawl in from the drivers side....thank God for the other sliding door!