Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ezra- 8 months old

He crawls around like mad now and is really anxious to walk. When he was done eating grass and leaves, he crawled over to the swing and pulled himself up and chewed on the bar...great photo op!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo of Ezra. It may not be spectacular in the photography world but it is in my world! This is straight out of the camera, no editing involved and I am so pleased that I was able to capture his eyes in all their glory. Now if only I could remember just how I achieved this shot!

I enjoy taking Ezra's photos, he is absolutely adorable! His hair is soooo blonde and it is at that stage where it stands up most of the time and now it's getting a little too long, I will probably start snipping away soon!

Van update...

The van has been declared a total loss by the insurance company so they sent us a check. We received $200 more than what we paid for it so in a sense we have been able to test drive this one for almost a year, needless to say I really like the Pontiac Montana. Now the search is on for another used "people mover"....I never thought that I would say this but I LOVE my minivan! It has been so comfy, gets awesome gas mileage for it's size 22-23 mpg (way more than my old grand prix) drives like a car, seats all of us +more, and mechanically is was well worth what we paid (in my opinion). So now it's back to the dreaded used vehicle search with is so hard for me since I am soooo indecisive. For now, we plan to drive this van (it's definitely dented and we can't use the passenger sliding door but we are able to now use the passenger front door, thanks to Kenny) until we find a really good deal. Thank you for all your prayers, we would definitely appreciate more as we keep looking.