Well, this year we spent Christmas Eve at my Mom's (we switch off each year with Kenny's parents). This year, Dad had to be at church for their Christmas Cantata (since he is part-time Pastor there) so shortly after dinner and gifts, he left --and Casey and Chelsea-- we all hung around enjoying good conversation and dessert waiting for them to return to play our 'dirty santa gift exchange game... so I started playing around with my camera trying to catch Christmas memories and the usual family shots that somehow is left up to me every year when suddenly the power went out!!! Pitch dark, kids freaking out briefly until Kenny lit up the room with the flashlight on his cell phone and then Jeff with his flashlight....my sisters and mom scurried around looking for matches to light the many decorative candles mom has. For some this may have ruined the evening but most of concluded that it just relaxed us and brought us back to peace and the true meaning of Christmas...the still of the darkness, glimmering candlelight casting on sweet faces awaiting the rest of the family, celebrating our fellowship all in the name of our Saviour born that precious night...... It was a little hard to dish up all the left overs in our individual containers we all bring from home because of the dark--a tradition we love to bicker about...who took all the meatballs...why are you taking a whole pie....(Casey)momma, do you have some containers for me?..... Dad, Casey and Chelsea arrived and we finished packing up food and gifts on time for Kenny to rush us into the living room to start the game (we still had to go home and get ready for Santa). We won a mouse---a real live mouse--at previous dirty santa game so I thought it would be funny to bring it to mom's hoping Christine would get it and ant to keep it...driving my mom nuts (since Christine and Jeff live there right now). Jeff actually got it and Christine was ecstatic--not surprised--but Kenny's gift was stolen and eventually retired so for Ben's sake he stole the mouse back...Christine was really upset! LOL.....but not really cuz now we have the stinky little mouse that I named Demon (he is white with little red beady eyes). Unfortunately these are the gist of the photos I got...they didn't turn out great because I had to use the built in flash an needed more practice with my new lens...oh well, they are still good for memories!
Elijah...ate and ate M&Ms that mom had in little candy bowls on tables, he totally took the opportunity to indulge in his chocolate addiction!
with Tal and Jason's youngest, Alexandra
Jacqueline huggin' cousin Logan
Silly Abbigail
Sweet Isabell---wise beyond her years
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