This boy was a severely picky eater until recently! It all started with broccoli a couple of months ago....Kenny told him, "Don't you eat that, it's mine." Then he acted like he was going to eat it before Kenny could...little mister competitive, he comes by that honestly! In the process he caused Kenny to also eat broccoli, when Elijah would loose interest then Kenny would actually chomp it out of my hand first which spurred Elijah back into action! Ha, now he will go into the fridge and get it out along with the ranch dressing which is a must! We had some cauliflower yesterday and he was excited and even asked for more! This is a huge accomplishment since he usually causes himself to vomit whenever he ate cooked veggies (even when they are in stews or other meals) and this is so much better to eat them raw! He doesn't like carrots though...weird!
Julia & John
4 years ago
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