Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First foods

The next 3 were taken a few days ago...squash. Notice the smear next to his eye...he is determined to feed himself, still a little uncoordinated. Then I set the food down to wipe him down and he decided he wasn't done and wanted more with or w/o my help....he can actually get out of that Bumbo. I'm not sure if it is because of his freak of nature strength or the fact that he is too skinny for the seat (I think these seats must work best with pudgy babies by wedging them in there..ha!).

I tried so hard to hold Ezra off from eating solids until he was 6 months for (various reasons) but gave in 3 days before the 6 month mark. He has been extremely interested in anything I bring to my mouth. I had been allowing him to drink from my cup and he was doing quiet well with it and then one day he got a hold of my sandwich and it was kind of a fight to get it away from him, he was like a little starved animal! I was determined with this child to get him interested in veggies early since I have had a difficult time, up until recently, with Elijah to eat healthy foods. Benjamin was and always has been a great eater, he will try and/or eat anything I put in front of him so I thought that this would hold true for any child I had...Elijah proved me wrong!
Ezra's first food was organic pureed carrots (I have a stock pile in the freezer for my Deceptively Delicious recipes) and he seems to like them well enough. Next we tried sweet potatoes...yay, he likes them--they are my fav! Then I tried avocado.....not good....he HATES! So onto luck there either. I tried to give him rice cereal mixed a couple different way...with water-NO, with formula-NO, with formula and pears-NO, with squash-uhh, NO! He was acting hungry after all that experimenting so I gave up and tried squash by itself, YES! So I have my veggie eater, at least the orange variety!

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