I know you all must be in shock....please go ahead and pick up your jaws off the floor. I am back! After hearing my Aunt Chrissy talk about how she now watches my friend Olivia's kids grow up on her blog since I never post anything, I now feel the need to get back in the swing of blogging.
Since my last post, a lot has happened. Sadly enough, I wish I could post it all at once but that will never happen so I will give a brief update. I have taken a break from photographing for others except for a small handful of people that won't let me beat them away. I have done everything the professionals would warn against such as describing just how flawed of a photographer I am due to inexperience, lack of photography knowledge, outdated equipment, and last but not least suggested using other photographers. One family in particular just won't give up on me and that is the McDaniels....they gave me the honor and privilege of photographing their baby being brought into the world...in fact, they were my very last post! I recently took their daughter's 11 month photos and will take them next month for her 1st year photos. They say they will stay with me until I refuse to photograph them....the are way too devoted, I have tried to explain to them that they are really cheating themselves. Hopefully, with some much needed practice I will improve and do something professionally in the future, as long as I still love it.
Confession...I think that I jumped in too soon with the photography thing. I wanted a good camera to capture great shots of my kids. I need to stay focused on my reasons for starting with a Canon 10D and not get caught up in trying to keep up with other photographers. I follow a lot of other photographer's work and to be honest I started to feel really inadequate. I was reluctant to post any of my work, photographs of "clients" or even personal ones because I tend to suffer from "what will they think?". Well, I'm not really over that but I want to share with my friends and family the joy of seeing my family grow. As much as I love hearing my Aunt talk about my friend's post saying..."aww, did you see Oli-Lion?" I want to hear her go on about my cuties too! Yup, I'm that jealous and like to be the center of attention, no lies here!
What has been going on lately you might ask....well my kids are growing like weeds. Ben is 9, looks like a little man version of Kenny. The girls still love him as he is the charmer. Elijah is 4, and probably the funniest kid I know. He is full of life and loves to pester both his big and little brother. Ezra is 2 now.....weep! My little baby is so independent but still loves to cuddle. He is talking like crazy and I often need Elijah to interpret. He still sucks his fingers but we hope to break him of that before winter. Kenny and I celebrated ten years of marriage this past March...boy has that gone by fast. I took my boys on a 9 day trip up north to Minnesota and visited my friend Olivia and several of my family members...I will make sure to do a separate post on this, they had such a good time and we hope to do this at least every other year. My brother finally got married on Oct 2nd, I absolutely love my new sister!
What a boring post. Too much has happened to recall but I hope to stay more up to date with the blog so that I can share our life's adventures as they happen.
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