Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thanks Whitney!

My friend Whitney took some pics of Ezra when he was 2 weeks old and he wasn't very cooperative but she was able to get some sweet shots for me. He has changed so much yet he has also stayed so small. (above--some candid shots of Elijah playing with my camera as Whitney was photographing Ezra....then he ran off to the bathroom and later came out with mascara combed through his hair, typical Elijah behavior!)

We were at a baby shower a little over a week ago where Whitney was taking pictures and she stole away a few moments with Ezra! LOVE the eyes!

p.s. I took him to the pediatrician for his 6 month well check-up and he only weighs 13.2 lbs. He only gained 2 oz in two I am increasing his supplement (formula) and going back to check his weight gain in a week! The doc was very impressed with his mobility and overall development and was amazed with his incredible strength. He isn't overly concerned about his lack of weight gain due to his overall development but wants to make sure his metabolism is just really high as opposed to not receiving enough nutrients from my breast milk and the occasional bottle of formula....stressful. I refuse to give up easily with the breastfeeding, I know it's what is ultimately best for him but I also don't want to deprive him, and I keep telling myself that this first year is a small sacrifice on my part to put my best effort into this battle. As for now, I am completely at peace knowing that we will be continuing to supplement daily and breastfeeding as much as possible daily giving him and me the best of both worlds. On a lighter note, we started solids this past Saturday, stay tuned for pictures!

Check out Whitney's photography website at:
If you live in the Columbus area, consider her for your pics, she rocks!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

silly...ugly face!

So I guess I must be comfortable in my own skin enough to put these out there! I was trying to take my own picture to post on my facebook profile but I wasn't getting anything I liked so I decided to do something silly yet ugly. It made me laugh. It also reminded me of the movie Mac and Me! LOL

More Please!

This boy was a severely picky eater until recently! It all started with broccoli a couple of months ago....Kenny told him, "Don't you eat that, it's mine." Then he acted like he was going to eat it before Kenny could...little mister competitive, he comes by that honestly! In the process he caused Kenny to also eat broccoli, when Elijah would loose interest then Kenny would actually chomp it out of my hand first which spurred Elijah back into action! Ha, now he will go into the fridge and get it out along with the ranch dressing which is a must! We had some cauliflower yesterday and he was excited and even asked for more! This is a huge accomplishment since he usually causes himself to vomit whenever he ate cooked veggies (even when they are in stews or other meals) and this is so much better to eat them raw! He doesn't like carrots though...weird!

Creeping Baby on the Loose

Ezra has been getting up on his knees for a few weeks now but he finally crept forward today! He rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back and can sit up for a [very]short period of it won't be long before there is a BABY ON THE LOOSE! Ezra is behind the other boys in this development. Ben sat alone and crept at 3 1/2 months and fully crawled at 5 months and Elijah sat and crawled (backwards, mostly) at 5 months. It's kind of nice to have one develop at a slower speed, maybe he won't walk at 9-10 months like the other two!

Flintstone Feet

I'm so embarrased of my feet sometimes. They're dry, wide, stubby toed and my toenails are short and wide. They only look cute on little boys! (Elijah and Ezra have my feet) Yabba Dabba Do!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Expressive Little Man

So I decided to have a little photo session with my super expressive little man. I bought this awesome, over sized wicker bowl that I got at target for dirt cheap and when I saw it, I immediately thought of it as a photo prop for infants--there I go, thinking like a photographer, one day maybe! I tried using this cute bucket but he really didn't like being in it--see pic #2.

He is soooo skinny, I was almost nervous to post these nearly nudes of him for fear that people would accuse me of malnourishment abuse! I jokingly prayed while pregnant that God would grace me with a lethargic baby with a high metabolism and now I'm beginning to wonder if God took me seriously!

When I look at this picture I see a little turtle stretching his head out of his shell. Ha--I love it!

This is my favorite, I love the spittle on his lip!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy 30th Kenny

Today was Kenny's 30th birthday. We didn't have a party or anything extravagant at Kenny's request but I couldn't resist getting him black balloons and a banner since he has poked fun at my age for nearly two years!
He let Ben release the balloons into the night sky and I teased Kenny to just let go of the negative energy that was surrounding him with turning 30.....haha. Oh well, it's just another birthday! Why can't it be fun like when we were little kids??? It is inevitable that we will age, my wish is that we will just enjoy the journey. Happy Birthday hon...I love you "Old Man" your even older lady!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Monster Jam

Benjamin has become a HUGE fan of Monster Jam....this all began when he was just 20 months old. Yeah, we were just a little crazy to think that a one year old would wear the ear phones because of the didn't bother him a bit, we ended up leaving a little early because he refused to wear them towards the end. After the first Monster Jam show we started to buy him the hot wheels monster trucks which became an obsession for Kenny's dad, he bought him a new one each time he went to the store and would call all the time to check on which ones he had and which ones he needed for his collection! Monster trucks were Ben's "security" item, he constantly had several in his bed and usually one in each pocket and always took them in the car! He would play with them by lining them up like a train (funny, Elijah does that now!) and still, he enjoys playing with them. Well, we decided that this year we would treat him to the big show knowing that he would finally truly enjoy the whole experience! Kenny's Dad and brother Steven joined them and Ben was super excited to be able to see a show in person rather than recorded shows....he thought that because he was going to see a live show that he would be able to later see himself on TV when they show this..LOL, I was sorry to disappoint him!

Getting the autograph of the driver of his favorite truck--Grave Digger.

I'm looking forward to the day that I get better flash equipment for indoor lighting!

Ben is at that stage where he makes this same awkward, fake smile...sometimes it even looks like he just got bit by a bug or is scared or drives me crazy....well, that's not a long drive for sure, ha!

this picture makes me laugh cuz it looks fake, like I staged one of Ben's trucks in the back yard in a pile of dirt!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ezra--5 Months

Ezra is just so darn cute! I love his gorgeous blue eyes and his toothy big grin that just lights up his entire face (all of the boys have this smile feature that they are blessed with from they're daddy). This Bear suit is a hand-me-down from Elijah and it was the best $15 spent...can believe I was unsure if I should spend that much money on such a thing! What a dork, I can be so cheap sometimes!

I tried to capture how Ezra smiles for Kenny, it is almost instantaneous if Kenny looks at him! Don't let those cute teeth fool you either, he can be vicious with them!

Kenny is growing his hair out! But not for long I imagine, he hates it!