Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another "Surprise" Pregnancy!

Ha..no, not me (cringe). My other sis, Christine, just announced that she is having #5....what is this some kind of contest? I'm competitive but this is not my kind of game! haha. Chrissy said they weren't trying to have another and actually felt like there were done with 4 but she is very excited nonetheless! She found out that her estimated due date is Aug 2nd (Elijah's bday). Well I'm glad they are happy, just a little shocked but I never believed her when she said she didn't want anymore because she is at her happiest when she is pregnant!


Kris said...

Wow...aren't you going to feel left out now ;) hee hee.
hey, are you involved in the LR women only bible study on wednesday mornings?

Kristin said...

It's like a race...Fred & Louise vs. Jim & Pam for the most granchildren! This will be 13 for both sides, right? Tie game.