Ezra just cut his first tooth--Christmas Eve,
Natalja discovered it. Any finger he can get a hold of goes straight to his mouth...and he has such a tight grip, see my finger turning reddish purple!

"Mine...get your own finger" I love this look he gets, furrowed eyebrows and all.

Holding Ben's hand..oh my, crazy difference, I do love how "manly" my kid's hands are!

I can't get enough of Ezra sucking his little fingers......so SO CUTE...yeah yeah, I know, it won't be so when he is older and still doing it...maybe we will be so fortunate to not have to break him of it! I just am so "in love" with this
bebe....everything about him...his cute little fingers that are finally starting to look big like the other boys, his crazy long feet and toes, his skinny little (but very muscular) body, his "old man" balding head--seriously, he has this thick band of hair at the base of his head in the back, thinking about shaving it off!--and even his sweet baby breath! Am I just crazy or have other people thought that they're baby's breath was sweet smelling?
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