The past two weeks have been crazy busy. Elijah got sick--stomach flu--last
wednesday and it lasted till this past
tuesday! I'm so tired of puke and poop! Elijah has made me realize just how easy Benjamin has been these past 7 years! The only times we ever knew that Ben was sick was when we happened to find vomit in the sink or in the toilet...he was rarely sick and even then not really rocked by it! Elijah is a total different story! Whinny, clingy, energy drained (huge blessing---let me know if you are sick so I can bring him around--
haha), no appetite and won't drink anything but water so he is very hard to keep hydrated and get his electrolytes up! He woke up most nights that week
vomiting and screaming--sometimes 2-3x a night!
So because he was sick we were unable to witness Ben's latest
Tae Kwan Do promotion test! Kenny took him and he earned his solid yellow belt! He is doing so well...he is so eager to
excel that he has
actually been practicing at home now---which also inspires Elijah to continue imitating Ben--too cute!

I absolutely love it when Ezra sucks on his fingers--probably will be eating those words when he is 2-3-4-5 and still doing it! None of my boys would take a pacifier and I tried to encourage the other two to suck their thumbs hoping they would learn to self-sooth but that never worked so it's nice to finally have one do so!

I LOVE my baby wrap....it's a must have for any new parent..wished I would have had one with the other two. I even got my mom to "wear" Ezra at her last visit (she came to play Trouble with Ben).
1 comment:
ezra is finally losing that newborn look and looking like a baby! he's really filling out too! that is too cute that he sucks those two fingers of his. both my girls are thumbsuckers and never would take a pacifier, i actually prefer it. novah doesn't seem to be giving up her thumb or her ear yet. we'll see how long it takes to get her to stop. brandon and jenny are still struggling with caroline right now and her fingers! haha.
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