Monday, December 29, 2008

Adventures with new Lens!

Fast forward, I will get back to Christmas happenings later................
So Benjamin was my guinea pig the other day...Kenny got me a new lens for my camera! I'm so looking forward to achieving some awesome shots of my kiddos that are growing up way too fast but it's gonna take lots of practice since I really don't know what I am doing and it would be a shame to have a good camera wasted on this will be a long journey, hope you will all hang on and enjoy the ride!

The day after I received my new zoom lens (Tamron AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3), I looked up this site that my friend Olivia turned me on to: Now I have a new appreciation for my other lens--50mm, now that I am learning FINALLY use it! I feel mostly complete with my "kit" now (except for an external flash--but that is the next goal) and super siked about bribing the kiddos into as many photo ops as possible and still manage our life!

So that's that, hope you like and any feed back would be so LOVED!

**Ben insisted on picking out his own outfit...what happened to that cute lil' guy that let me dress him and do his hair any way I wanted, why does he need to become opinionated as he grows up, yikes!


Kris said...

These look like they should be on a CD cover! Nice job!
You can practice on Leah anytime you want ;)

Kristin said...

That cute lil' boy is turning into a handsome lil' man! He looks so grown up in these pics. I love the one with all of the cylinders in a row. They are all great pictures! I like the one of him sitting on the steps too. Nice work!

Olivia said...

Nice job Nichole! Good lighting and the color looks really good! I love the pipes one as well!

Shannon said...

Nichole, great job on the photos they all look wonderful. I like all of them. You are really talented.