Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kenny is getting "fixed"

Kenny is scheduled to have his vasectomy Thursday(tomorrow)! We went to his consultation last Friday and the doctor decided it would be in Kenny's best interest to have the surgery performed at the hospital under anesthesia instead of the office....I will spare you all the details..ha! I'm glad for Kenny because he was nervous, naturally, and this way he can sleep through it but I'm bummed that it is gonna cost more now! Oh well, it would cost us more to have another unexpected pregnancy (we just paid off the hospital bill on Elijah and now we are working out payment plans for Ezra). I'm happy that we are doing this but I do have to say that the finality of it caused me to be a little emotional! I really, really know that we are done having kids but permanent is permanent! The nurse told Kenny to be ready for a recliner, remote and bag of frozen peas for 3 days! Lucky him...three days of rest.....when I bore his children did I get 3 full days of rest? I'm sure that comment will be up for debate!

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